Training on quality, hygiene, marketing methodology and access to national and international markets for fish products

The development of fishery products from the mangrove represents 40% of the economic activity of the municipalities in the essentially coastal areas of Saloum and Casamance. This economic activity encompasses more than 600 to 1,000 direct or indirect jobs. Their protection and sustainable management would benefit current or future generations.
The main economic activities practiced in these municipalities are: oyster farming, sowing of arks, exploitation of cymbium and murex, beekeeping and ecotourism. These activities are practiced by more than 600 women producers and processors of fish products. However, these women have a real need for capacity building in order to obtain strong skills to promote fish products.
It is in this context that the Senegalese Association for Standardization in partnership with ENda ECOPOP within the framework of the support project for models of valuation of fishery products in the municipality of Joal Fadiouth (PROMOVAL) under the support of the European Union, IUCN, Westland International, organized an activity on capacity building on the methodology in Quality Hygiene production, traceability, marketing and access to national and international markets for fishery products and derivatives on 27 and 28 July 2022 in Joal-Fadiouth.
The workshop focused mainly on the training of about forty participants on Good Hygiene and Manufacturing Practices applicable to fishery products and derivatives, traceability, marketing and access to national and international markets. The targets of this training were producer groups and women fish processors.
During this training, participants were trained on the practices to be adopted to ensure good hygiene and quality of fish products and on traceability. Awareness was also carried out for actors on marketing for access of products to national and international markets by respecting the regulations in force at national and international level.
Tuesday, September 27, 2022