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In London in 1946, 65 delegates from 25 countries gather in London to consider the future of international standardization. In 1947, ISO was officially born and created 67 technical committees (groups of experts working on a specific subject). ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an independent, non-governmental international organization whose 165 members are the national standards bodies. Through its members, the Organization brings together experts who pool their knowledge to develop International Standards that are voluntary, consensus-based, market-relevant, supporting innovation and providing solutions to global challenges. The members, who play an essential role in its mode of operation, meet once a year for a General Assembly which decides on its strategic objectives. The Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, coordinates the system and day-to-day activities of the Organization as a whole. These activities are carried out under the direction of the Secretary General of ASN, a full member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and actively participates in the process of drafting international standards.

Technical Management Office

The Technical Management Office, which reports to the Council, manages the technical work. This body is also responsible for the technical committees that develop standards and any strategic advisory bodies created on technical matters