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As part of the implementation of the action plan of the National Quality Policy (PNQ) for the operationalization of the National Quality Infrastructure (INQ), financed by the African Development Bank (AfDB), through the Institutional Support Project for the Mobilization of Resources and the Attractiveness of Investments (PAIMRAI), the Senegalese Association for Standardization (ASN) organized from 28 to 30 March 2022 a training workshop on the ISO 22000 standard v 2018.


This activity is part of the realization of certain actions of the PNQ including the Conformity Assessment component, with the national certification mark (NS-QUALITE Senegal), for the development of product certification programs, according to the ISO 17065 standard as well as system certification (Quality Management System according to ISO 9001, ISO 22000, etc.).


The objectives of the training were to strengthen the competence of experts and auditors on the requirements of the ISO 22000 v 2018 standard, in particular on:


- the principles of the Food Safety Management System;


- the requirements of the standard;


- tools for setting up a food safety management system;


- the prerequisites for becoming ISO 22000 certified auditors.



Training on Good Agricultural Practices


Agricultural producers face certain market access problems that require compliance with the standards applicable in the agricultural sector. Export markets are becoming more and more demanding, especially with private certification standards, the basis of which is based on good agricultural practices on which farmers still need to be made aware. Similarly, the capacities of the technical staff of the inspection services in charge of support and the issuance of export documents must be strengthened in the dynamics of properly carrying out their missions. This is how ASN organised, within the framework of the project for the implementation of the action plan of the National Quality Policy financed by the ADB and executed by the PAIMRAI ADB, training for the technical and farmers / producers on good agricultural practices (GAP) in particular on the use of approved pesticides, on hygiene and traceability.


This training made it possible to:


• Reinforce technical staff and farmers/producers on good hygiene practices and traceability;


• Reinforce technical staff and farmers/producers on good agricultural practices;


• Sensitize technical staff and farmers/producers on export standards;


• Educate technical staff and farmers/producers on the use of approved pesticides.


Thursday, April 14, 2022